Judah Realty Group

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Chandler Fenner, Seattle Seahawks I Superbowl Champion

Mr. Delgadillo is a man with great vision and charisma. He consistently delivers seamless advisory with meticulous nature that readily lends itself to the gold standard of service. Freddy represents the very best in real estate, excelling beyond the job and into lasting relationships and networks.

I cannot overstate the value of Mr. Delgadillo as his unrivaled commitment to his profession is only the beginning of his worth. Readily available is his deep well of knowledge, bringing a great deal of clarity, class, and refinement to a luxurious experience. His impressively diverse skill set allows him to be a fierce teammate with incredibly astute guidance.

Freddy Delgadillo is a vital resource and a stellar advisor to every client he manages. For me, he has become a great mentor and a lasting friend.

Chandler Fenner, Seattle Seahawks I Superbowl Champion